Does Size Really Matter? کیا عضو کا سائزاہمیت رکھتا ہے؟

    This is a normal physiological and anatomical fact and so should not cause any worry. It should be remembered that the penis is more like a balloon which is fixed to the pubic bone and that it gets the erection from the blood that rushes into its veins and that leads to an increase in size, and since the parts that are attached to the bone does not contain that much of blood as the parts that are free and in front, therefore the anterior portions become more swollen than the portion that is fixed to the pupic bone.

      Some youngsters worry about the size of the penis, even in the retracted state, because there is an erroneous opinion that in this state also it should not be too small. The penis is like a radian antenna, which can be pulled out to its' maximum length when needed and when it is not needed it can be pushed back i.e. when sexual activity contemplated its size reduces greatly so that it does not interfere in a man's locomotion or other activities.


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